Engaging Minds
Curriculum Intent
Engaging Minds deals with the diverse beliefs, values and attitudes that individuals and societies hold. It helps students to develop themselves, their understanding of the wider world, and their ability to communicate their feelings. Engaging Minds helps students to acquire British values and attitudes which are necessary if they are to make sense of their experiences within school and life itself, value themselves, respect others, appreciate differences and diversity and feel confident and informed as a British citizen. The students also learn life skills such as finance and how to navigate the world of employment, which is vital to their understanding and preparation of what awaits them in life after education.
Engaging Minds and PSHE education cannot exist in isolation. At Samuel Whitbread it is part of a whole school approach and our curriculum provides a range of opportunities for students to make links to other areas of learning and explore a wide range of social, moral, cultural and behavioural issues through an extensive form time PSHE programme. Through PSHE, we believe we can enhance student’s education and help them become caring, respectful and confident individuals.