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Samuel Whitbread Academy


Curriculum Intent

‘One language sets you in a corridor for life.  Two languages open every door along the way.’ Frank Smith 
(British psycholinguist and academic)

English may be spoken all over the world, but that doesn't mean it's the most popular language. French is the second most studied language in the world, it is spoken by 9.6% of the world population and is still growing. Many countries in Europe, Africa, Canada and Pacific islands have French as their mother tongue, and others like China are eager to learn it. It is one of the most used languages on the Internet, tourism, businesses and diplomacy.

When you learn a new language you demonstrate empathy and respect as you discover different cultures and traditions. Your communication skills -including in English- are also enhanced as you develop a wider range of vocabulary. Your problem solving skills are tested and on long term help you to protect the brain from the effects of ageing. Studying and learning a new language can help tremendously with your career prospects, your education, travel and personal enjoyment of the arts and culture.



Year 9 - Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum Presentation


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Revision resources

We recommend the use of the AQA GCSE (9-1) French Revision Workbook and AQA GCSE (9-1) French Revision Guide.

  • Workbook ISBN-13: 978-1292131351
  • Guide ISBN-13: 978-1292131429

There are also books identified in current Yr11 textbooks section


Subject Learning Checklist

French Subject Learning Checklist


Careers Opportunities

The ability to speak and understand a foreign language is an invaluable asset in itself and is becoming increasingly important as our link with mainland Europe becomes closer and the world of work demands more flexibility and travel. There are many careers opportunities for people with a second language: media, publishing, tourism, law, advertising, marketing, education, recruitment and more.