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Samuel Whitbread Academy

Virtual Support Workshops and Resources

On this page you can find a range of virtual drop in workshop sessions and resources for both students and parents/carers from local organisations and Central Bedfordshire Council.


Summer Safety
There are some excellent safety information leaflets on our website from local charity, Aquarius, covering all sorts of summer safety topics such as staying safe in the sun, emergency services, support for drug and alcohol misuse, cannabis misuse and other really important topics.

Aquarius - Affected Information June 2020

Aquarius - Drug or Alcohol Use

Aquarius - Calling 999

Aquarius - Alcohol

Aquarius - Cannabis

Aquarius - Nitrous Oxide

Aquarius - Spot Your Mate


Bulletin for families in ivel valley (east mid beds)

This bulletin, produced by Central Bedfordshire Council, provides valuable resources to support all aspects of family life. It includes information on a wide range of topics, from out-of-school activities to additional support for your child's mental health. Click the links below to explore the available resources.

28/02/25 Edition

21/02/25 Edition

14/02/25 Edition