Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) is provided at Samuel Whitbread Academy through the Careers Cordinator Mrs L Freeman, the SLT careers lead, Mr L Huckle, and 4YPUK who are our independent IAG Consultants. This information will next be reviewed in July 2025. Samuel Whitbread Academy measures and assesses the impact of its careers programme through student surveys and student panels, using destination data and by using the COMPASS tool each term to reflect on progress towards the Gatsby benchmarks. We also work closely with our SEMLEP adviser to gauge the strengths of the careers programme against other schools in the County and beyond.
4YPUK: Representatives from 4YP are available for 1:1 appointments to talk through options and career ideas including apprenticeships, college courses, employment, training etc.
Apprenticeships, CV, Cover Letters and Work Experience information can be obtained by emailing Mrs L Freeman.
Year 9 Options
Students will choose their options in Year 9. You can find out more information on this link.
Online Careers Resources
Throughout a student's educational journey, they need to investigate and research the various options available after Year 9, post-16, and post-18. Below are some valuable links to assist you in exploring your future options, pathways, and careers.
GCSE bitesize careers:
Talking futures:
Career pilot:
UCAS – University, Colleges Admissions Service:
National careers services:
Hertfordshire industries:
Virtual Employer Encounters Webinars:
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