Learning Support (SEND)
We have a strong and well developed Learning Support Department that supports students with Special Educational Needs. The dedicated team work with staff and students in classrooms to help them achieve their very best, as well as providing a package of support outside of the classroom to meet the needs of each student.
Mrs Jenny Swift, SENCO
Mrs J Swift - Head of Learning Support, including ASC provision and SENCO
Mrs M Ryan – Deputy SENCO, HLTA
Mrs P Waring – ASC Manager
Mrs M Burgess - SEN Administrator
Mrs H Metselaar - SEN Administrator
If you have any queries or need more information please email SWA-SEND@bestacademies.org.uk
SEN support at swa guide booklet
Our SEND Information Report
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) policy has been written with regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice: 0-25 years (Sep 2014) and the Equalities Act (2010).
Students will be identified through ongoing assessments by the child or young person’s teachers, and brought to the attention of the SENCO if they are making less than expected progress, in spite of high quality, differentiated classroom teaching targeted at the child or young person’s area of weakness.
To find out more about how we are implementing our SEND Policy please use the link below.
Staff List
Mrs J Swift - Head of Learning Support, including ASC provision and SENCO
Mrs M Ryan – Deputy SENCO, HLTA
Mrs P Waring – ASC Manager
Mr T Harris - Learning Support Room Lead
Miss K Dardis - HLTA (English)
Mrs M Burgess - SEN Administrator
Mrs H Metselaar - SEN Administrator
Miss M Hefford
Mr J Saggers
Mrs K Dyball
Mrs L Worsley
Mrs M Crawley
Mrs J Buxton
Mrs L Gough
Mrs J Beeston-Mullens
Mrs S Cannella
Miss R Franklin
Mr T Cameron
English as an Additional Language
We support students for whom English is an additional language. All staff are made aware of the need and adjust plans accordingly. We monitor their progress carefully and provide learning support and mentoring for those students who are not making expected progress. Please contact the Learning Support Department if you feel that your child needs more help in this area.
Pupil Premium
We receive a grant from the government every year which we use in order to meet key objectives to make a significant impact on students' education and lives. More information can be found on our Pupil Premium page.
ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
The role of an ELSA is to support the emotional well-being of pupils in school. The ELSA will help students learn to understand their emotions and respect the feelings of those around them. Here are just a few things an ELSA will support and advise with,
Social skills, bereavement, social situations, therapeutic stories, anger management, self-esteem, real-life problem-solving skills, friendship and much more.
The ELSA has regular professional supervision with an educational psychologist to help them with their work.
Central Bedfordshire Council Local Offer
For the Central Bedfordshire Council's Local Offer for children and young people with disabilities and special needs please click here.