Please click below for SWA Exam timetables
Year 11 Spring Mock Timetable 2025
Year 10 Summer Mock Timetable 2025
Whole School Exam Timetable - Summer 2025
Information regarding rules and regulations for Mocks/Exams
Social Media Information for Candidates
Information for Candidates Privacy Notice
Certificates - Summer 2024 collection
GCSE, GCE and BTEC certificates can be collected from Monday 9th December 2024 from Reception, between 9am and 3:30pm Monday to Friday.
- If you are unable to collect your certificates, you can nominate someone else by emailing SWA-Examofficer@bestacademies.org.uk from your school email address (you will have access to this address up until Christmas).
General Information and Conditions of Entry
Examination Entry
- The school will make decisions to enter students for appropriate examinations
- There will be a consultation process i.e. parents' evening
- Decisions about entries are important and we take considerable care to make the right decision for each student
Checking Entries
When exam entries have been made each student will be provided with a statement of exam entry. It is important that you check the following information is correct:
- Personal Details - Name, date of birth and gender
- Subjects entered - Check they are all there
- Level of Entry - i.e. Foundation or Higher tier
Please tell the Exams Office, in writing, of any errors or changes to exam entries.
Provisional Entries
If there is some concern over whether the student should be entered for an exam, they will receive a letter detailing which subjects are involved, outlining the concerns and how these need to be addressed. Students can only be withdrawn from exams after consultation with the relevant Head of Department in agreement with the Head of Year.
Attendance at Examinations
- Students must attend all examinations for which they have been entered
- If they are unable to attend they must notify the Exams Office as soon as possible
- If absence is due to sickness students may be able to claim special consideration if medical evidence e.g. doctor's certificate is provided
Payment for Missed Examinations
- If any part of an examination is missed, including coursework, and no acceptable reason is given, the student will be expected to pay for the cost of entering each examination
- Cost of examinations varies between £10-£20 for units/modules and £27+ for subjects
- Coursework/controlled assessment is an essential element of almost all GCSE and GCE examinations
- If it is not completed and submitted by the deadlines given, students will either be ungraded or be awarded a much lower grade by the Examination Board.
Information for Candidates
- Coursework Assessments
- Non Examination Assessments
- On-Screen Exams
- Privacy Notice
- Social Media
- Written Examinations
- Preparing to sit your Exams
- AI and Assessments - A quick guide for students
- Use of AI in Assessments
Please click here for the Examination Policy.
For previous results. Click here for more exam result information.