A Message From Principal, Mr Martin
As we approach the end of the Summer term, there are a multitude of activities and events taking place. We have finished all GCSE, BTEC and A Level exams, which ran exceedingly well. I want to personally congratulate all of our students on their attitude, commitment and resilience.
This week we received the exciting news that we have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, which celebrates the ecological achievements of young people and the next generation of innovative, inspirational environmentalists who are actively engaged in protecting our planet.
Last week our fabulous Summer Arts Festival returned after a two year break. It is one of the highlights of the year and includes choirs, bands, drama, art, textiles, percussion, brass, wind and dance performances. This year we also had fantastic performing arts contributions from Shefford Lower School, Pix Brook Academy and Etonbury Academy. It was great to see the students on our stages doing what they love and performing live to family and friends. At the weekend, we had yet more DofE expeditions camping, cooking and walking in the sunshine and sometimes pouring rain. I’d like to thank all of Mrs Mason’s team, who give up their free time to support our students in achieving this fantastic award.
Our annual Pride Week event took place last week organised by students with the support of Miss Yadav and Mr Unite. The week included cake sales, sports events, information stands and a rainbow non-uniform day to help raise funds for the following three Pride charities: Sparkel, Mindout and Outside Project. It was a successful week and grows every year.
The Royal Navy were recently on site working with our food technology students and department. They discussed how they cater for hundreds, if not thousands, of sailors at sea on battleships, aircraft carriers and submarines. The students were totally enthralled by what they heard and how the chefs manage to cook for everyone, during a force 9 gale or whilst on maneuvers.
This week has been Year 8 transition week, with our induction evenings on Monday and Tuesday, where students and parents attended the academy to meet their new tutor, measure themselves for uniform and listen to presentations about SWA from myself, their new head of year Miss Priano, Mr Butler and our two head students. Year 8 pupils have experienced a number of taster sessions, had an assembly, sampled our canteen food and met staff whilst touring the school site. It was great to have students and parents back on site, after two years of online events. Next week is the turn of the Sixth Form, with students attending the Sixth Form Induction Day.
Finally, next week is the A Night at the Musicals production, please see below about purchasing your tickets online.