A Message from Principal, Mr Martin
We have had a fantastic start to the second half of the Autumn term with a number of highlights already this term.
Following our two very successful Year 8 Open Evenings last half term, I am looking forward to welcoming prospective Y12s at our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 16th November. The event will run simultaneously with our Y11 Tutor Evening and our Careers Fair which is open to all years. Please come and visit local businesses and further education providers and support this event. It is a great opportunity to discuss possible career pathways.
I am delighted to announce that we have agreed to become a collection point for the food banks run by the Preen Community Interest company in Biggleswade and the Need Project, Baptist Church in Shefford. If you would like to donate to either of these two charities, then please click on the links to their websites to see